
Are you a parent looking to assist your student through this process?

It’s likely you’ve been very involved in the educational planning for your child. Now they’re headed to college as an adult student, and your role is changing. 你会在他们需要的时候出现, but now’s the time to help them learn how to communicate with professors and Access staff on their own. 帮助他们找到大学资源. They’ll still look to you for guidance and support but need to learn how to be their own best self-advocate!

Get answers to some of the questions parents ask most often. 


A: It’s a great idea for your student to become familiar with their schedule before the first day of classes. Knowing what to expect each day and knowing the location of classes before they begin can improve confidence on the first day of school. Our Student Ambassadors/CAV Leaders and Success Advocates are available to assist new students. Another way to get off to a great start is for your student to check in with the 学术成就中心 during the first two weeks of the semester and attend “Smart Start.” This quick orientation will teach pointers on how to manage a study schedule, navigate 皇冠体育博彩 and get the best start to college.

A: It is the student’s responsibility and right to request and set up accommodations or to decline. You can share with them that using accommodations in college is very different than in high school. Students with disabilities can remain anonymous and only the professor is aware of the accommodations. Remind them that accommodations can be arranged at any time during the semester.

A: There are a couple of ways to encourage your student to share class progress with you. Ask if you could sit with them while they access grade information in Canvas. Many instructors post assignment completion and grades as the semester progresses. You could suggest your student ask for updates from their instructors via 皇冠体育博彩 stumail. You can encourage them as they compose the email. 也 suggest they visit with a counselor or Access Advisor/Deaf Services Coordinator to share concerns, 获得建议并确定选择.

A: Going to class and getting there on time is your student’s responsibility, but our office is happy to provide them with information, guidance and resource referrals to help with organization, 时间管理和其他问题.

A: No, any disability information is confidential and not included on the transcript. Documentation and disability service records are maintained separately from other academic records.

A: Although there’s no fulltime one-on-one assistance provided by 皇冠体育博彩, there are free tutoring opportunities available in our 学术资源中心图书馆1楼. 有数学辅导, 写作, 阅读, 科学, languages and other subjects as well as assistance with study skills and learning strategies. The instructor is the first resource your student should consult. 也, 在某些情况下, it may be appropriate for the family to secure a personal assistant to be on campus with a student if the student needs assistance with personal care and/or mobility.

A: There are so many opportunities at 皇冠体育博彩 for students to become involved. The Center for Student Involvement coordinates clubs and organizations along with events to connect students socially and professionally. 皇冠体育博彩 also hosts cultural events, concerts, athletic events, lectures, exhibits and sports activities. The Neurodiversity Club is a great place for students to find friends, peers, and supporters. The goal of the club is for all members to learn from one another, experience social activities and develop friendships.